Each verse builds on previous one's actions (During a more innocent time with
less crime than today.)
My mother owns a bakery shop Yummy, yummy (rub tummy)
My father drives a garbage truck Yummy, yummy, pew (hold nose)
My sister talks on the phone all day Yummy, yummy, pew, la de la de la de dew (hands raised,
wiggle fingers)
My brother is a cowboy Yummy, yummy, pew, la de la de la de dew, roll 'em up, stick 'em up,
bang, bang, (roll hands, finger guns, shoot, shoot)
My auntie is an operator Yummy, yummy, pew, la de la de la de dew, roll 'em up, stick 'em up,
bang bang, your number please (hold nose to sound nasal)
My uncle is a strangeler Yummy, yummy, pew, la de la de la de dew, roll 'em up, stick 'em up,
bang bang, your number please (hold nose to sound nasal) surprise each with a gentle,
playful strangle.
Contributed by Lydia - Thank you!
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